Because fundamental particle physics says so. Neutrons are made of three quarks (udd) which have (well-known) properties such as charge, spin, and mass which dark matter particle does not satisfy. You can easily detect a neutron and it interacts electromagnetically and we call dark matter which does not interact electromagnetically. The relation is evident. #
Never heard of the neutrons interaction with the electromagnetic waves before, thought it wouldn't interact because it doesn't have electrical charge. Forgot about the quarks making it. Thanks. #
Görkem Kırkpınar Neutrons interacts electromagnetically since they have a magnetic dipole moment which comes from quarks that made them. It's not a fundamental particle. That's why I mentioned it. Checking some introductory elementary particle physics book should help. #
şaka şaka ( karanlık maddeyi oluşturduğunu düşündüğüm için nötronlardır )
Karanlık madde nötronlardan oluşmuyor.
Ögetay Alcer why not? #
Because fundamental particle physics says so. Neutrons are made of three quarks (udd) which have (well-known) properties such as charge, spin, and mass which dark matter particle does not satisfy. You can easily detect a neutron and it interacts electromagnetically and we call dark matter which does not interact electromagnetically. The relation is evident. #
Never heard of the neutrons interaction with the electromagnetic waves before, thought it wouldn't interact because it doesn't have electrical charge. Forgot about the quarks making it. Thanks. #
Görkem Kırkpınar Neutrons interacts electromagnetically since they have a magnetic dipole moment which comes from quarks that made them. It's not a fundamental particle. That's why I mentioned it. Checking some introductory elementary particle physics book should help. #
Görkem Kırkpınar bence Notrino larla karıştırıyorsunuz onların da çoook az kütlesi var
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