Bunu anlamdıysanız sorun. Kaynaksız iddia bilimde osurmaktan farksızdır.
"Results: Elia's Ki values were within the range of 95% CIs in the young and middle-age groups. However, Elia's Ki values were outside the right boundaries of 95% CIs in the >50-y group, which indicated that Elia's study overestimated Ki values by 3% in this group. Age-adjusted Ki values for adults aged >50 y were 194 for liver, 233 for brain, 426 for heart and kidneys, 12.6 for skeletal muscle, 4.4 for adipose tissue, and 11.6 for residuals."nlamadıysanız sorun. Kaynaksız iddia bilimde osurmak gibidir sadece. Kusura bakmayın.
Bunu anlamdıysanız sorun. Kaynaksız iddia bilimde osurmaktan farksızdır.
"Results: Elia's Ki values were within the range of 95% CIs in the young and middle-age groups. However, Elia's Ki values were outside the right boundaries of 95% CIs in the >50-y group, which indicated that Elia's study overestimated Ki values by 3% in this group. Age-adjusted Ki values for adults aged >50 y were 194 for liver, 233 for brain, 426 for heart and kidneys, 12.6 for skeletal muscle, 4.4 for adipose tissue, and 11.6 for residuals."nlamadıysanız sorun. Kaynaksız iddia bilimde osurmak gibidir sadece. Kusura bakmayın.
Buna gore beyin karacigerden daha fazla enerji tuketiyor. beynin ki degeri 233 karaciger 194